Summer has long been a key time of year to catch up on your wellness, whether you want to look your best on the beach or you just want to have the energy and stamina to have fun in the great outdoors. But for workers who spend dozens of hours a week doing relatively sedentary desk jobs, that well-being might be trickier than usual to maintain. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to instill a sense of wellness and health in employees during the summer — here are just a few simple, effective ideas that will break them out of the indoor rut and get them energized and productive.
Healthy Food Offerings
A big box of donuts is the old standby, but there are far better options if you want to help employees stay fit and avoid late-afternoon sugar-crash slumps. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are always good snack options (and inexpensive from the right sources, like farmers’ markets). Encouraging group activities like healthy-choice potlucks can add some social fun to the equation!
Heading Outdoors
Sometimes a lunch break is excuse enough to get some fresh air, but even people brown-bagging from home deserve a chance to get some Vitamin D. Not everything needs to happen inside at a desk, and the right work environments can factor in outdoor space as another place to get things done. Holding meetings outdoors, setting up patio-style outdoor workstations, or having staff conversations during walking excursions can help keep both health and energy levels up during the workday. And special events like company picnics and field trips can instill a sense of casual camaraderie that deepens connections between employees.
Getting Active
Organizing physical team activities is nothing new — the company softball team has been a workplace fixture for decades — but promoting exercise and teamwork at the same time has been a popular pastime for good reason. Getting employees moving, collaborating, thinking fast, and feeling energized can benefit the workplace atmosphere and productivity the same way it does employee health. And it’s not hard to create a something-for-everyone appeal, with more options than ever to put a variety of pursuits in play. Whether it’s friendly competitions over health-promoting goals like most mileage bicycling or outdoor walking, or traditional team sports like kickball and flag football, giving employees challenges to meet will offer healthy outlets for working out stress and feeling invigorated.
At Aura, we can help you create, maintain, and update your work environment to give your company’s culture a hand in supporting positive, healthy, and wellness-promoting activities for your employees. Get in touch, we would love to speak with you.