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The Power of Place:
Enhancing The Employee Experience Through The Physical Environment

In this webinar, we’ll explore the powerful intersection of workplace design and human behaviour. Discover strategies to create spaces that encourage collaboration, innovation, and emotional connection, making the commute worth it for your team. Don’t miss this opportunity to reimagine your company’s employee experience through the transformative potential of the physical environment.


Robin Rosebrugh - Workplace Strategy and Research Specialist

As a Workplace Strategy and Research Specialist, Robin leverages a multidisciplinary background in science, design, and organizational psychology to improve the work environment. Holding a master’s degree in industrial and organizational psychology from Harvard University, a Bachelor of Science from UBC, and additional certifications in sustainable building and interior design, she is well-equipped to understand the intricate relationship between human behaviour and the built environment. Passionate about staying at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field, Robin continuously updates her education and applies data-driven insights to support organizations in optimizing their workspaces through evidence-based research and strategic planning, ultimately fostering enhanced well-being, productivity, and employee satisfaction.